춤추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은 것처럼.
Dance like no one is watching
사랑하라, 한번도 상처받지 않은 것처럼.
Love like you've never been hurt
노래하라, 아무도 듣고 있지 않은것처럼.
Sing like no one is listening
일하라, 돈이빌요하지 않은 것처럼.
Work like you don't need the money
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼.
Live life every day as if it were your last
這種渴望持續下去 到了陷入愛情階段
就會發展到SEX 或者是結婚
Don't even take the chance that you won't catch the phone on the fourth ring. Answer it after three rings -- at the very most. Even if you only catch them on the Caller ID, just wait, listen and call back. You'll definitely want to hear this -- and you'll want them to believe that you were asleep, away, or doing anything but wondering if it was them. Don't worry, they'll respond beautifully to this tactic. There really is something to be said for playing hard to get.
when i don't listen to you...you dun love me anymore...
just like my dad...when i am rebellious fighting for freedom...he is cold towards me
i'm like a bird in cage...handed from one owner to the other...
Age 0-22 : My Dad
Age 22-Death : My Husband
if i dun listen toy you....you will not love me...
seems like i am quite a pro myself..
My friends will know my Cat 1,2,3 theory...
Now i realize its scientifically proven!! only that mind is reverse order.
My theory
Cat 1 = Husband Material
Cat 2 = Boyfriend Material
Cat 3 = ONS Material.
Scientific Theory (By Helen Fisher)
I basically divide love into more than one variety. I think that there's three different systems in the brain: one is the system for lust, associated primarily with testosterone in men and women. I mean if you inject a middle aged woman with testosterone, her sex drive goes up.
(One night stand)
The second brain system I think is romantic love, obsessive love, infatuation, associated in the brain I think, or I hypothesise, with high levels of dopamine and norpenephrin, these natural stimulants, and probably low levels of seratonin, which gives you that obsessive thinking.
And the third chemical system in the brain I think is attachment, that sense of calm and peace and security that people have with a long-term partner. And other sciences have begun to think that that feeling of attachment is associated with vasopressin and oxytocin which are different chemicals in the brain.
Interesting Fact from Dr Helen Fisher from Rutgers University in the United States is an anthropologist who specialises in love.
i think its so true....esp the 4 yr cycle and the three different systems of brain...
One of her many surprising conclusions suggests that, since "four-year birth intervals were the regular pattern of birth spacing during our long human prehistory," our modern brains still deal with relationships in serially monogamous terms of about four years.
Helen Fisher: I'm just about to put infatuated people, some people who are romantically obsessed, into a brain scanner and actually watch what happens in the brain so that we can understand more exactly which parts of the brain are involved, and therefore which chemicals are probably involved. But what I've done is I've looked at the psychological literature over the last 25 years and looked at all the things that happen to you when you fall in love. And those things that happen, that giddiness, that elation, that euphoria, that sleeplessness, that loss of appetite, is associated with high levels of dopamine, and norpenephrine. These are natural stimulants in the brain that give you feelings of elation. It's my hypothesis that when you feel that elation for somebody, and you're up in the middle of the night lying in bed, running over the conversation you had at work today, or in the gym, what's happening in the brain is your high levels of dopamine and norpenephrine and probably low levels of seratonin which gives you that obsessive thinking. You know, when you're in love with somebody, you can't stop thinking about them. I mean, this turns into an obsession.
Yes. You know, I basically divide love into more than one variety. I think that there's three different systems in the brain: one is the system for lust, associated primarily with testosterone in men and women. I mean if you inject a middle aged woman with testosterone, her sex drive goes up. The second brain system I think is romantic love, obsessive love, infatuation, associated in the brain I think, or I hypothesise, with high levels of dopamine and norpenephrin, these natural stimulants, and probably low levels of seratonin, which gives you that obsessive thinking. And the third chemical system in the brain I think is attachment, that sense of calm and peace and security that people have with a long-term partner. And other sciences have begun to think that that feeling of attachment is associated with vasopressin and oxytocin which are different chemicals in the brain.
So we basically have sort of different brain systems that operate to have us do different things, but they are related.
Rae Fry: So what about chemistry, that intangible thing that's supposed to make you fall in love with one person rather than somebody else? Is there any biological explanation for that?
Helen Fisher: There's something that American sexologist John Money calls your love map. And that's cultural. I mean we grow up, what these love maps are, we grow up as small children, we get used to our father's sense of humour, the amount of chaos around the house, our mother's whatever, and we build an unconscious list of things that we're looking for in a mate.
I hope they give it to me manz.
1) Mole
2) Eyes
3) Wisdom Tooth
Stupid polyclinic always give ppl problem.
Blk 513 #01-518
(1st & 2nd Floor)
Bishan Street 13
Singapore 570513
For Appointment
Call 258 3218
Business Hour
Weekdays 1200-2100
Saturdays 1200-2000
Sundays 1100-1900
Closed on Public Holidays
Eye Lashes Perming, Mole Removal.
Leong Joo Kee & Partners Dental Clinic
35 Selegie Road
Singapore 188307
Phone: 6338-1188
i think i am selfish and 任性
i rather be hated for who i am.............then to be loved for who i am not........
how about u?
will u not do something so that the person will love u? but this is not the real you and you are suffering inside.
i hate to be controlled........
no controlled not as i am NOT ALLOWED to go anyway...
but i need to seek consent for places that i go...... else i will be nagged at...
shit why did i have to dig my own gravE?!
bloody hell.....
My heart ache. Very painful... Yet i tried to keep a straight face. My tears were on the verge of falling... how hard i had to try to fight it back...
I really tot I had a wonderful husband. I really tot he really love me. I didnt know there is space in his heart for another. I know he is not perfect. I know i am not perfect. but i didnt think he could love another so much. So much tat he doesnt feel the hurt he has caused in me. So much tat he forgot that he used to love me. So much tat he still cannot let go of her. He feels guilty tat he has hurt her, not me.
My dream is shattered. My future looks bleak. I think i'm going crazy.
It hurts me to see him suffer.
And I don want my gal to suffer without a daddy's love.
I have no choice.
As much as it hurts big time, it's also heart warming when i see him spend time with our gal. I hope clara will grow up to understand that even tho daddy no longer loves mommy, daddy never stopped loving her.
After a long night of making love, he notices a photo of another
man on her night stand by the bed. He begins to worry.
"Is this your husband?" he nervously asks.
"No, silly," she replies, snuggling up to him.
"Your boyfriend, then?" he continues.
"No, not at all," she says, nibbling away at his ear.
"Is it your dad or your brother?" he inquires, hoping to be
"No, no, no!!!" she answers.
"Well, who in the hell is he, then?" he demands.
"That's me before the surgery."
Great way to piss off customers.
The Future of Customer Service - Shared Info
Operator: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut."
Customer: "Haloo, can I order ..."
Operator: "Can I have your multi purpose smart card number, Sir?"
Customer: "It's eh..., hold on .... 6102049998-45-54610"
Operator: "OK ... you're ... Mr Singh! and you're calling from 17 Jalan Kayu.
Your home number is 4123456, your office 7654 3210 and your mobile is 91234567. "
Customer: "How did you get all my phone numbers?"
Operator: "We are connected to the Main CRM system Sir"
Customer: "I want Seafood Pizza ..."
Operator: "That's not a good idea Sir"
Customer: "Why?!"
Operator: "According to your medical records, you have high blood
pressure and an even higher cholesterol level Sir"
Customer: "What? ... What do you recommend then?"
Operator: "Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it"
Customer: "How do you know I will like it?"
Operator: "You borrowed a book entitled "Popular Hokkien Dishes"
from the National Library last week Sir"
Customer: "OK, I give up ... Give me three family sized ones then.
How much will that cost?
Operator: "That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The total is $49.99"
Customer: "Can I pay by credit card?"
Operator: "I'm afraid y! ou have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit
card is over the limit and you're owing your bank $3720.55 since
October last year", That's not including the late payment charges
on your housing loan Sir.
Customer: "I guess I have to run to the neighborhood ATM and
withdraw some cash before your guy arrives"
Operator: "You can't Sir. Based on the records, you've reached your daily limit on machine withdrawal today"
Customer: "Never mind just send the pizzas, I'll have the cash
ready. How long is it gonna take anyway?"
Operator: "About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can't wait you can
always come and! collect it on your motorcycle.."
Customer: " What?!"
According to the details in system, you own a
Scooter,...registration number E1123 ..."
Customer: "*'!^ *#?@%^**%^I7*"
Operator: "Better watch your language Sir. Remember on 15th July
1987 you were convicted of using abusive language at a policeman ...
Customer: [Speechless]
Operator: "Is there anything else Sir?"
Customer: "Nothing ... by the way ... aren't you giving me that 3
Free bottles of cola as advertised?"
Operator: "We normally would Sir, but based on your records you're also a diabetic ....... "
Aries people need to keep physically busy. They accomplish many things simply because of their restless energy. They need to learn how to make constructive use of their energetic efforts. The typical Aries urge is to take on more than can be done reasonably well. Though others may find it difficult to keep pace with an Aries, they are attracted to their animation and spirited personality.
Yearly Horoscope Predictions : 2006 Aries
You may experience multiple aspects of your personality when you relate to others in 2006 as Jupiter in Scorpio introduces you to new facets of yourself. Consequently, it is best to focus on your relationship to yourself. As you fortify your connection with your internal rhythms, needs, thoughts, and inclinations, you will be better able to understand and meet the needs of others. You will polish relationship skills and resolve relationship issues beginning in September 2006.
You also will benefit from resting your body, particularly your lower back, in January and early February to maintain optimal health in 2006.
You are preparing for greater activity in late February, April, May, and June. If you are overly active, or generate too much heat in your body, you may experience headaches. The solution is to drink water, rest, and allow your body to detoxify. While you need to move briskly during your active periods from late February to June 2006, balance activity with rest and contemplation. This is the key to your physical comfort.
2006 ARIES OVERVIEW: In matters of the heart, you've always preferred the chase to the capture. In fact, hard as it might be to believe, once the courtship dance is over -- especially if it doesn't last long enough or prove interesting enough -- you've actually been known to lose interest entirely. You won't have that problem this year though. From early January through early March, someone who absolutely demands your respect will attract a healthy portion of your attention. Suddenly, you'll be willing to suspend all rules, clean up your act and go out of your way to prove how honorable your intentions are -- just to ensure that you end up with the pleasure of their long-term company.Love won't be your only focus this year, however. You may need to make a major decision regarding your job, thanks to two eclipses, classic harbingers of change.
The first, in mid-March, will get the show on the road and probably make you restless enough to start looking for other options. By the time the second eclipse arrives in late September, you'll be more than ready to clear out your desk. Giving two weeks notice may not be first and foremost on your mind, especially if a better offer is already waiting impatiently in the wings.
Just be sure your next step is set in stone before you burn any bridges.Burning bridges will come easily to you by December, however, and you won't have to worry about any repercussions either.
By New Year's Day 2007, you'll be amazed at how many great big changes you've made, possibly even including a long-distance move. Regardless of where you end up -- or with whom -- rest assured that this will be a year to remember and that everything will be just fine in the end. So don't worry if things aren't completely fine right now. All that means is that you're not at the end of this process just yet. Relax and do what feels right.
You're reinventing yourself, and if you're smart, you'll allow yourself to enjoy the journey -- and to take your sweet time.
You have two choices for 2006 : Either spend the year with the Peace Corps or some charitable project, or make 2006 an entirely by-the-numbers year. The good news is, if you pass this test, the future will reward you.
Honestly, in 2006, there won't be much way for you to avoid juicy temptations that can turn your life upside down. Wine, women, and song... they will sing a siren song in 2006. It's a "character building" year for you. Cut up the charge cards, stick to healthy routines, and don't try to sneak out of work early on Fridays. Drive below speed limits, and--if you're in a relationship--don't flirt, even in an online chat.
If you can stay out of trouble in 2006, you'll build a reputation that will attract all the right people--including potential investors--starting in 2007.
omg so fat!!! i need to diet...
Me and dearest beee.......love his dimple
tattoooooo!!!!!!! i'm so going to get a real one behind my back!! weee
Positive developments in career, business, and professional pursuits are likely at this time. A promotion, salary raise, or an opportunity to advance in your career may present itself at this time. If an offer or opportunity does not present itself, then apply yourself towards attaining a goal that you have been seeking. You can have a stroke of good luck now, and your judgment and sense of timing are excellent. However, it may not just fall in your lap, and you may have need to seek out the opportunity. Also, the improvement that is possible is usually not of great magnitude, but a solid and significant advancement is very feasible at this time. Your health and vitality are good now. You feel confident and ambitious, and you enjoy athletic events and sports immensely now. You may try your hand at a new sport or athletic game. You are energetic and optimistic, without being pushy or impatient. Events work out smoothly now.
Its 2006!!!!!
Let me list down my wannados
1) Hit the Gym and burn my fats!! Drop to 60kg by My Birthday
2) Eyelash Extensions
3) Pierce Navel
4) Get Tattoo
WIsh me ppl!!
{*Her Gallery I*}
{*Her Gossips*}
{*aBoUt XrYztaL*}
Name : XrYztaL
Age : maKe a gUeSs
biRtHdaY : 15th aPriL
zoDiaC : aRieS
{*Her Favourite Links*}
@. Friendster .@
@. Horoscope .@
@. Hyun Bin .@
@. Hyun Bin .@
@. Shirlyn .@
@. Lynn .@
@. Piano .@
@. Tattoo .@
@. DJ Philaricist .@
@. Darth Vader .@
{*She Loves*}
to be hug and pampered
Jay Chou,Louis Khoo
Joseph zheng
eurodance, new age, trance,
r&B, rock,reggae
ramen, steamboat,
pocky, bueno,
dolphin, penguin
cat, dog
{*She Hates*}
nagging from people
to be fat
to be neglected
to be forgotten
selfish human
{*Her Wishes*}
1. Weight to drop to 50kg.
(*Current Favourite Songs*)
1 : She Is
2 : ee byul mot han ee byul
Ji Sun
3 : ah reum da oon sa ram
Seo Yoo Suk