Becuase this is the only place where i can flare at.
I cannot flare at the stupid customers who unreasonably insult me. I will be black marked if clients lodge complain on me.
I cannot flare at the irresponsible colleague who refuse to do what she is suppose to do. The colleague will talk bad about me and create bad 人際關係
I cannot flare at my friends.
I cannot flare at my family.
I cannot flare at my husband.
Who else can i flare at?
The answer is. MYSELF.
So if U, yes, U, whoever is reading this right now. Want to make noise about me ranting on MY BLOG, then please GET LOST. YES, get LOST.
ok..i shall continue...
why am i so frustrated...why?
imagine in year 2006, at the age of 27 and u dun even have your own room.
there are times where u need time for yourself...a good cry/god laugh/good dance all in the comfort of your room. but you dun have...how frustrating?
If you cry u still need to be afriad of letting another person in the room hearing it. Or when u dun feel like sleeping, you cannot even turn on the light to read a book...as you are afriad of waking up the others. YES OTHERS. I SHARE ROOM WITH 2 PERSONS. MAID + SISTER
i dun need a big place...i just want MY PLACE. a place which is MINE and ALL MINE.
it that too much to ask?
2) MAN.
all man are the same, they want their mate to be in their palm.
my dad calls my mum almost hourly when she is out without him.
my friend's bf dun even allow her to meet guys friends for lunch.
i dun blame my husband for being jealous, it actually turns me on to see his cute jealous reaction. but after pacifying him and he still go on, it gets irritating and suffocating...
3) WORK.
Imagine being in a call centre of a company when the website gives huge problems at the rate of 8times in 18working days. what do you get?
Frustrate ppl calling you to fuck at you.
Frustrated colleagues calling you to fuck at you even more...
Frustrated Boss fucking you for not chasing other departments when the ppl there do not have a sense of urgency.
A very fucked up you have not choice but to call the other department and chase them in a very TLC manner so as to not strain the already very bad relationship.
Received a very fuck up answer from the department.
Have no choice but to give customer the fucking answer that we receieve and continue getting fuck by customer again.
4) FAT
Now that i "cannot" go out, i will be a couch potato from friday - sunday. this results in? BIG FAT PIG.
the more piggy i am...the more reluctant i am to go out...
the more reluctant i am to go out...the more piggy i will become...
and so the story goes....
the only person who might benefit from this is my husband. becuase he will be happy to know that i am reluctant to go out and will stay at home. but he does not know the consequences - bad health, low self esteem, lousy sex (yes, when u are slim the sex is much much better...i know the 30kg difference)
whoever is upstairs, let me say it AGAIN.
I AM NOT ASKING TO BE FILTHY RICH, all i want is to clear that stupid card debts. That's all.
Support. Whenever you need.
More than Solutions.
We'll do whatever it takes.
Always There to Support
More Than An Intergrator
Clazziquai ~ She Is
soom gyuh waht duhn nah ae soo joo beun mah eum moh deu neh geh jool geh yeh ee yeh~
chah gah oon nah reul oom jeek ee neun nuh ae mee soh
dahd hyuh eet duhn nah ae uh doo oon mah eum moh doo neh geh yuhl geh yeh ee yeh~
jee dohk hahn neh geh ae me reul joon nuh ae sarang
chuh eum ehn ahl soo uhp duhn nuh mahn ae hyang gee gah neu kkyuh jyuh
shee gahn ee heu reul soo rohk nah neun byuhn hah goh byuhn hah neh
oh nae seh sang gah deuk bee cheul nae ree goh
moh deun guhn nuh roh een hae byuhn hae ooh wo~
soom gyuh waht duhn nah ae soo joo beun mah eum moh deu neh geh jool geh yeh ee yeh~
chah gah oon nah reul oom jeek ee neun nuh ae mee soh
chuh eum ehn ahl soo uhp duhn nuh mahn ae hyang gee gah neu kkyuh jyuh
seh sang eun neh gah ee ssuh byuhn hae
dahd hyuh eet duhn nah ae uh doo oon mah eum moh doo neh geh yuhl geh yeh ee yeh~
jee dohk hahn neh geh ae me reul joon nuh ae sarang
soom gyuh waht duhn nah ae soo joo beun mah eum moh deu neh geh jool geh yeh ee yeh~
chah gah oon nah reul oom jeek ee neun nuh ae mee soh
dahd hyuh eet duhn nah ae uh doo oon mah eum moh doo neh geh yuhl geh yeh ee yeh~
jee dohk hahn neh geh ae me reul joon nuh ae sarang
yeh~ chah gah oon nae geh ohn gee reul joon nuh ae mee soh
Ji-sun (Loveholic) ~ Ee Byul Moht Hahn Ee Byul
eet jee ahn ah sseu nee hae mahl geun oo seum
beet nah duhn oo ree yeht nahl deul eul
ee mee jee wuh sseu nee soom gah ppeun noon mool
kkah mah geh byung deun nae moh yang eun
geu dae goh oon nae sarang ah sohn eul jah bah dah yo
dah shee nae geh roh wah suh gohp dee goh oon kkoht noh rae chuh ruhm
gah deuk kkeen muhn jee reul tuhl uh oon guh ool
heu reen dahl bee cheh sshee suh boh neh
seh wuhl eh gee peun jahm poo suhk hahn uhl gool
sae byuhk ee seul loh dahn jang hah goh
geu dae goh oon nae sarang ah sohn eul jah bah dah yo
dah shee nae geh roh wah suh gohp dee goh oon kkoht noh rae chuh ruhm
sarang ah jeek geu jah ree eh
hahn buhn doh ee byul moht hahn ee byul sohk eh suh
dah shee dohl ah oh neun geu nahl
geu ddae nae noh rae gah ee seh sang eul dah gah jeel teh nee
geu dae goh oon nae sarang ah sohn eul jah bah dah yo
dah shee nae geh roh wah suh gohp dee goh oon kkoht noh rae chuh ruhm
oot neh
i am not greedy. i only want to the debts...
i am not asking for 榮華富貴
59 months....its like so long...but it just seem to past by so fast...we've been through so much...hope i can be the one celebrating 59yrs anniversary with u..
love you my jinheon~!! sa rang hae~!!
how come JH will call SS when she eat this...but my JH never call me when i eat this?
Overall view of the flower....
Close up view of the message...
Close up view of the 2 puppies
Close up view of the flower
Close up view of the talking puppy...
Cute Sam Shook
When she get excited by you pressing her heart~
One more time~
ekkek soooooooooooo cute!~~!!!!!!
after 26 yrs, i finally have the guts to participate in a competition...
and i was dissapointted that i got third...
anyway, its a good feeling...
as alot of ppl told me that i sang very well...
taken before i go up to the stage....so scared!!
Seo Yoo Suk ~ Ah Reum Dah Oon Sah Rahm
arumdaun saram soyusog
jang nan kamur badgoso gugosur barabogo
orsa ango gioi buswo borinun
neirimyon borsu gurorjun saram jocha
ijoborinun ai chorom
arumdaun naui sarama
dangshinun nega durin ne maumur goun jang nan gam chorom
joguman sonuro jang nan hago
ne maumi gomine jamgyo inun
dorbojianun naui yoina
naui sarama
arumdaun naui sarama
Budget General Courses start every 5 weeks.
2005 Courses start weeks: 19 Dec 2005.
2006 Courses start weeks: 23-28 Jan, 27 Feb-4 Mar, 3-8 Apr, 8-13 May, 12-17 Jun, 17-22 Jul, 21-26 Aug, 25-30 Sept, 30 Oct-4 Nov and 4-9 Dec 2006
BUDGET GENERAL ( min 6; max 15 course participants) (DAY-TIME COURSES)
The Affordable Way to Master a Language !
10 hours per week, FIXED SCHEDULE**
General Language Training for Men, Women and Teenagers who need to Communicate
Monday-Friday 4-6pm, 5 times a week 2 hours per week, FIXED SCHEDULE**
General Language Training for Men, Women and Teenagers who need to Communicate
Saturday 9-11am, once a week
10 hours of oral communication skills 2 hours of oral communication skills
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Malay and Korean courses at Clementi or Orchard. Dutch, Russian, Indonesian, Malay and Korean courses at Clementi or Orchard.
BUD 10hpw 4-6pm Fees: 4 weeks $356 8 weeks $632
BUD Sat 9-11am Fees: 5 weeks S$165
**Lessons missed cannot be replaced. Courses start every 5 weeks with a minimum of 6 participants, depending on trainer availability. The school reserves the right to re-schedule or re-group classes.
Course No: C20060009
Community Centre/Club: TAMPINES EAST CC
Date: 01/03/2006 - 17/05/2006
Day/Time: WED, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
No. of Sessions: 12
Language Medium: English
Instructor: AE RYUNG YAP LIM
Closing date for Internet Registration: 21/02/2006
Fee Details:
Member Type Member Other Member Non Member
Amount (S$) 90.00 98.00 100.00
Which fee type am I eligible for?
Payment Basis: FULL COURSE
Status: Available
I admit that i have watch MNIKSS at least 20times hahha...but frankly..i always have new findings each time i watch.
one funny part that i missed bcoz the website that i read did not show this part. *giggle* i think its something like that not word for word though.
Will explain why is it funny below.
Episode 4三順拼命捶心肝 懇求心臟別再為真賢跳那麼快...
JH : 很早嘛!(哇賽!!!)
三順嚇了好大一跳(me too)
*SS : 嚇到我了....嚇倒幾乎流產... (*Note this part is my new finding)
*JH : 什麽?你真的去做代理產婦?(*Note this part is my new finding)
JH : 妳失眠嗎?
三順看了讓她失眠的真賢 嘆了口氣 問真賢
SS : 這身是什麼打扮?
JH : 本來想去運動一下的 突然想起一件事情要做 妳在做巧克力嗎?
SS : 嗯....昨天晚上想起一個新方案
JH : 昨天那麼晚才回家 沒睡好吧(真賢猜是因為他昨天那一鬧的關係)
SS : 唉唷....覺不是每天都睡嗎?突然想起個新方案 怎麼也睡不著啊
curious how come * part is so funny? let me explain...
Episode 2 -
你想問我哪來的錢是吧?賣內臟行了吧?!真賢看了看三順的身體 輕蔑的笑了出來 很沒禮貌說
三順如果就這樣把被嘲笑的恥辱吞下去 那我們還要看下去嗎?
SS : 好啊!喂!毀約吧毀約!
SS : 我們是寫契約書還是寫僱用書了?
SS : 就當沒這回事!
Ok. The former sentence is a common phrase used when one's surprised by something and frightened greatly. then JH so cute so ask she really go become a surrogate mom?
bei tahan. pengz
{*Her Gallery I*}
{*Her Gossips*}
{*aBoUt XrYztaL*}
Name : XrYztaL
Age : maKe a gUeSs
biRtHdaY : 15th aPriL
zoDiaC : aRieS
{*Her Favourite Links*}
@. Friendster .@
@. Horoscope .@
@. Hyun Bin .@
@. Hyun Bin .@
@. Shirlyn .@
@. Lynn .@
@. Piano .@
@. Tattoo .@
@. DJ Philaricist .@
@. Darth Vader .@
{*She Loves*}
to be hug and pampered
Jay Chou,Louis Khoo
Joseph zheng
eurodance, new age, trance,
r&B, rock,reggae
ramen, steamboat,
pocky, bueno,
dolphin, penguin
cat, dog
{*She Hates*}
nagging from people
to be fat
to be neglected
to be forgotten
selfish human
{*Her Wishes*}
1. Weight to drop to 50kg.
(*Current Favourite Songs*)
1 : She Is
2 : ee byul mot han ee byul
Ji Sun
3 : ah reum da oon sa ram
Seo Yoo Suk