"Merc SSxt Ura - You will want a break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods. You're in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now." haha no wonder i have this strong urge to get a tattoo!!! :P almost went for one today.........!!! tonight i dress up like a rainbow haha......
{*Her Gallery I*}
{*Her Gossips*}
{*aBoUt XrYztaL*}
Name : XrYztaL
Age : maKe a gUeSs
biRtHdaY : 15th aPriL
zoDiaC : aRieS
{*Her Favourite Links*}
@. Friendster .@
@. Horoscope .@
@. Hyun Bin .@
@. Hyun Bin .@
@. Shirlyn .@
@. Lynn .@
@. Piano .@
@. Tattoo .@
@. DJ Philaricist .@
@. Darth Vader .@
{*She Loves*}
to be hug and pampered
Jay Chou,Louis Khoo
Joseph zheng
eurodance, new age, trance,
r&B, rock,reggae
ramen, steamboat,
pocky, bueno,
dolphin, penguin
cat, dog
{*She Hates*}
nagging from people
to be fat
to be neglected
to be forgotten
selfish human
{*Her Wishes*}
1. Weight to drop to 50kg.
(*Current Favourite Songs*)
1 : She Is
2 : ee byul mot han ee byul
Ji Sun
3 : ah reum da oon sa ram
Seo Yoo Suk